International Wine Competition GALICJA VITIS Krynica Zdrój 2024
With over 500 wine samples submitted in previous years, the International Wine Competition GALICJA VITIS is the largest and probably the most influential wine competition in Poland. Now, in its 11th year, the contest will held at 16th and 17th May 2024 in former royal hunting castle in Krynica Zdrój.
The overall idea of the Competition is to is to compare the quality of wines from Central and Eastern Europe with those originated from the rest of the wine world and to promote the fine wine culture, even in non-producing regions, as the most of Poland.
Wine samples submitted to the contest will assessed by international jury within several categories and in 100 point scale following the OIV Standards for International Wine Competitions, and the Regulations of the Competition. Based on the points earned, wines will receive Grand Gold Medals (with at least 92 points), Gold Medals (at least 88 points) and Silver Medals (at least 84 points). The highest scored wines in given categories will be awarded the titles of Champions.
The organiser of the Competition is Foundation for the the Development and Promotion of Winegrowing GALICJA VITIS (Fundacja Na Rzecz Rozwoju i Promocji Winiarstwa GALICJA VITIS) – an independent, non-profit organisation, which, except the Competition, run leading in Poland vocational school for vine growers and winemakers (Podkarpacka Akademia Wina) in Jasło, as well as publishing house specialised in textbooks on wine and viticulture.
For more info about our Competition, please visit our website: www.galicjavitis.pl
The organising partners of the Competition are: Polish Institute of Vine and Wine.
Partners of the Competition
Media patronage